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更新時(shí)間:2020-12-24      點(diǎn)擊次數:1985

The English language version is the original and the reference in case of dispute.






Adhesion, water spraying under high-pressure


Paints and enamels




This issue differs from issue 1 in that an alternative for when scribing shall be made has been included.

Furthermore, the manufacture of the spray nozzle has been specified, and the material for calibration has been changed. Handling after moisture exposure has been clarified.



1 Scope and field of application

1 應用范圍和領(lǐng)域

This test method is used for assessing the adhesion between paint films and between paint film and substrate respectively. The method is intended to simulate the strain and load that the paint films are subjected to during high-pressure cleaning.


2 Apparatus and test object

2 裝置和測試對象

- Test equipment of high-pressure type, brand NIFAB, model HTT-1, or equivalent test equipment

- 高壓型測試設備,NIFAB牌、HTT-1型,或者其他等效測試設備

Water pressure:

min. 150 bar



Spraying distance:

0-150 mm



Sweeping frequency:

1 sweep/s



Water temperature:

50 ± 5 °C


50 ± 5

Spray nozzle:



No 2506 (flat jet 25°)

Spraying Systems



No 2506(扁平射流25°),由Spraying Systems Co.生產(chǎn)

Lance length:

300 ± 50 mm


300 ± 50 mm

Test piece holder withcentre hole, size of hole:

Æ 40 mm


Æ 40 mm

- Test object

  • 測試對象

a) Test panel 100 x 200 mm of the substrate in question, surface coated with the relevant paint system. A minimum of two panels shall be tested. A minimum of three crosses distributed between the two panels shall be tested.

a) 測試面板,100 x 200 mm(相關(guān)基材);表面涂有相關(guān)的涂料系統。至少測試塊面板。至少測試分布于兩塊面板之間的道十字標記。

b) Test part of the relevant substrate, surface coated with the relevant paint system. In order to have significant results, test pieces should be taken from different areas on at least two test parts. A minimum of four crosses shall be tested for each part.

b) 測試零件(相關(guān)基材),表面涂有相關(guān)的涂料系統。為了獲得顯著(zhù)性結果,至少應從兩個(gè)測試零件上的不同區域采集試樣。每個(gè)零件至少測試個(gè)十字標記。



- Scribing tool, edge width 0,5 mm and geometry according to VCS 1021,29.

  • 劃線(xiàn)工具,邊緣寬度0.5mm,幾何結構依據VCS 1021,29。

3 Preparation for test

3 測試準備

The test panels shall be conditioned in accordance with VCS 1021,19. Before testing the adhesion, an initial paint damage shall be made on the test object by scribing two 0,5 mm lines using a scribing tool. The scribed lines shall be made down to the substrate, at right angles to each other to create a cross, see fig. 1. The scribed lines shall extend outside the test area.

Each scribed line shall be approx 60 mm. A cross section of a scribed line is shown in fig. 2.

IMPORTANT – The edges of the scribed lines must be at right angles to the substrate.

應按照VCS 1021,19的要求對測試面板進(jìn)行調節。測試粘附性前,應使用劃線(xiàn)工具在測試對象上劃兩根0.5mm的線(xiàn),作為初始涂料損壞。劃線(xiàn)應向下劃至基材,并相互垂直以生成一個(gè)十字圖案,參見(jiàn)圖1。劃線(xiàn)應延伸至測試區域外。






5 % flaking / flagning


60 % flaking / flagning




Fig. 1 Principle layout / Principskiss


Fig. 2Cross section of sample with scribed line / Tvärsnitt av prov med rits



As the adhesion test is to be made after moistureexposure (wet adhesion), the test object shall first beexposed in a tropical cabinet in accordance withVCS 1027,33759 for the period specified in therequirement specification.

由于粘附性試驗需在暴露于潮濕環(huán)境中之后進(jìn)行(濕粘附性),測試對象應首先按照VCS 1027,33759的要求暴露于熱帶機柜中,暴露時(shí)間參照要求規格說(shuō)明中的規定。

For metal substrates, the testing shall be performedimmediately after exposure, without any recovery. Inpractice, this means that the panels can be storedmaximum 60 min in a vessel filled with water of roomtemperature to keep them humid until testing. Theshortest possible time shall be aimed for.


As far as plastics substrates are concerned, they shall be stored for 1 h in a constant-temperature controlled cabinet at standard atmosphere (23 ± 2 °C, 50 ± 5 % RH) instead of storage in a water-filled vessel. This shall be done to allow the material to recover. The testing shall then take place within approx. 15 min.


The scribing shall be made prior to the moistureexposure. For metal with paint or other organicsurface coating, scribing can alternatively be madeafter moisture exposure. In the latter case, anagreement shall be made between test requester andtest responsible. The report shall state when thescribing was made.


4 Test procedure

4 測試程序

Place the test object in the test piece holder. Then fixthe test piece holder’s hole ( 40 mm) centrally abovethe initial damage. It is important that the scribedcross is correctly positioned in front of the jet, see fig.3. The following parameters apply; the nominal valuesare target values:

將測試對象放在試樣固定器上。然后將試樣固定器的孔(40 mm)固定在初始損壞中心上方。將劃出的十字標記正確地放置在噴嘴的前方非常重要,參見(jiàn)圖3。下列參數適用;標稱(chēng)值即為目標值:

The water jet shall sweep over the test surface(± 20 mm) with an angle of deflection of 5,6° fromthe nozzle tube’s centre of rotation(N.B. – No parallel displacement)


Distance between nozzle and test surface (90°):100 ± 3 mm

噴嘴和測試表面之間的距離(90°):100 ± 3 mm

Water pressure: 120 ± 3 bar

水壓:120 ± 3 bar

Water flow: 15,0 ± 0,3 l/min

水流量:15.0± 0.3 l/min

Water temperature: 50 ± 5 °C

水溫:50 ± 5

Number of sweeps during 30 s: 30 ± 2

30秒內的清掃次數:30 ± 2

Sweeping width: ± 20 mm (diameter of the testpiece holder’s centre hole)

清掃寬度:± 20 mm(試樣固定器的中心孔的直徑)

If the test panel temperature varies between thedifferent sprayings, the result can sometimes beinfluenced. Before spraying, the panel shall thereforebe of room temperature 18 - 28 °C. This applies toeach cross.

如果測試面板的溫度在不同噴水過(guò)程中發(fā)生變化,則有時(shí)會(huì )對結果產(chǎn)生影響。因此,在噴水前面板應為室溫(18-28℃)。該項要求適用于所有十字標記。


5 Assessment

5 評估

After completed test, the object shall be wiped dry and the extension of the paint damage shall be established. The test result shall be given in per cent flaked paint surface. 100 % is defined as the circular area (0 40 mm) centred on the scribed cross, see fig. 1, (1256 mm2) minus the scribed line area of 40 mm2.


The requirement shall be met for each scribed cross. Mean values for the entire part/panel shall NOT be calculated.


6 Report

6 報告

The test report shall include the following:


a) Type and designation of test material

a) 測試材料的類(lèi)型和名稱(chēng)

b) Test result in per cent (for each test objectrespectively). Ranges can be given if the result is approved according to the requirement specification. The number of rejected samples shall be noted.

b) (每個(gè)測試對象對應的)測試結果,百分比。根據要求規格說(shuō)明,如果批準了結果,則可以給出范圍。應記錄被拒絕的樣品的數量。

c) Testing in accordance with VCS 1029,54719

c) 按照VCS 1029,54719的要求執行的測試

d) If scribing was performed before or after moisture exposure, if any

d) 劃線(xiàn)在暴露于潮濕環(huán)境中之前還是之后執行(如有)。

7 Calibration

7 校準

Unless otherwise specified, calibration and inspection of the nozzle’s spray pattern shall be made with an interval of 90 days.


Calibration is performed by subjecting a test panel (approx. 100 x 200 mm) of low-density polyethylene as per STD 1211,05or equivalent material to high- pressure cleaning for 30 s without the use of a test piece holder. The nozzle must not oscillate. The following parameters apply:

校準的執行方法為:對低密度聚乙烯測試面板(約100 x 200 mm)(按照STD 1211,05)或者其他等效材料執行高壓清洗30s,不使用試樣固定器。噴嘴不得振動(dòng)。下列參數適用:

Angle between nozzle and test surface: 90°


Distance between nozzle and test panel: 100 mm ± 3 mm

噴嘴和測試表面之間的距離:100 mm ± 3 mm

Water pressure: 120 bar ± 3 bar

水壓:120 bar ± 3 bar

Water flow: 15,0 ± 0,3 l/min

水流量:15.0 ± 0.3 l/min

Water temperature: 50 ± 5 °C

水溫:50 ± 5

The nozzle’s spray pattern is determined by measuring the length and width of the damage on the test panel caused by the spraying as well as checking its appearance.


To be approved, the spray pattern shall be continuous, have a length of 63,0 ± 5 mm and a width of min 3,0 mm, and it shall be contained between two parallel lines, 7,0 mm apart (see fig. 4).

待批準:噴射形式應連續,長(cháng)度為63.0 ± 5 mm、寬度為3.0mm,并且其應處于兩條間隔為7.0mm的平行線(xiàn)之間(參見(jiàn)圖4)。


Fig. 3The cross mark shows schematically the position of the scribed lines cross damage in relation to the vertical flat jet.


Fig. 4 Damage from spray





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